There will be 2 show rings, one for Greyhounds and one for all other dog breeds.
Classes start at 10.30am with a lunchbreak planned 12.30 - 1.30. The entry fee is £2 per dog per class. Unfortunately we can only accept cash for dog show entry fees and there is no pre-registration.
Greyhound Classes - Ring One
Class 1 - Best Condition
Class 2 - Most Handsome Dog
Class 3 - Prettiest Bitch
Class 4 - Best Greyhound homed by GTWY
Class 5 - Best Veteran (8+ years old)
Class 6 - Best Young Handler (Under 14)
Class 7 - Best Black Greyhound - Dog
Class 8 - Best Black Greyhound - Bitch
Class 9 - Family of Greyhounds - More than one
Class 10 - Best Greyhound of Another Colour - Dog
Class 11 - Best Greyhound of Another Colour - Bitch
Class 12 - Best in Show (1st and 2nd winners of each class)
Any other breed - Ring Two
Class 1 - Best Condition
Class 2 - Best Rescue
Class 3 - Most Handsome Dog
Class 4 - Prettiest Bitch
Class 5 - Best Young Handler (Under 14)
Class 6 - Best Veteran (8+ years old)
Class 7 - Best Dog / Bitch under 38cm (15") at the shoulder
Class 8 - Best Dog / Bitch over 38cm (15") at the shoulder
Class 9 - Family of Dogs - More than one dog and/or bitch (at least one of which must be a non-Greyhound)
Class 10 - Best Smooth Coated
Class 11 - Best Rough Coated
Class 12 - Best in Show (1st and 2nd winners of each class)